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Our Board

The Washington County Watershed Alliance board is comprised of 3 members at large, 1 representative from each member watershed association, and 1 representative from the Washington County Conservation District.


Sam Carroll


At-Large Member

-B.S. and M.S. Civil Engineering with emphasis on waterways and the environment - Penn State University

-Municipal & water resource engineer - Harshman CE Group

*Fun fact:  fishing and hunting serve as gateways to be out in and observe all kinds of nature.

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Kathleen Martincic


TMCWA Representative

- B.S. Biology with an emphasis in Ecology - W&J College

- former research assistant - University of Pittsburgh

- Fun fact:  lives along the banks of Ten Mile Creek and is still learning about its rich ecosystem.


Kenneth P. Yonek

PCWA Representative

-B.S. Chemistry - University of Pittsburgh

-MBA - Duquesne University

-Master Gardener - Phipps Conservatory (20 years)

-Master Watershed Steward - Penn State Extension (5 years)

*fun fact:  A lifetime spent in outdoor activities.


Virginia McAnulty

Vice President

UCCWA Representative

- B.S. Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology - Penn State University

- A.A. Sign Language Interpretation - Community College of Allegheny County

- Master Naturalist

- Paraeducator - Canon McMillan High School

- fun fact:  combines her love of nature and the outdoors with a desire to create a network of support within her community.


Jordan Whitmer

At-Large Member

- B.S. Biology – Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

- Engineering Technician/Countywide Action Plan Coordinator- HRG INC.

Fun Fact: Growing gourmet (edible) mushrooms are my newest obsession, and everyone should try growing them!

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Ken Maglietta

BCWA Representative

- Studied music at Pittsburgh Musical Institute

- Member of Pittsburgh Light Opera Workshop

- US Navy-trained Information Systems Technician

- US Navy veteran

- Quality Assurance Manager and Manager of Technical Service for Verizon Wireless Communications

- Fun Fact: garden railway enthusiast


Terri Carrol

At-Large Member

- B.S. environmental science and biology - Salisbury University

- M.S. Public Administration - University of Pittsburgh

- fun fact: recently moved into an old farmhouse in East Finley Twp where she loves to explore the property with her 7 ducks!

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Jeffrey Kim


WCCD Representative

- B.S. Applied Animal Biology - University of British Columbia

- M.S. Teaching Science Education - University of Pittsburgh

- Watershed Specialist - Washington County Conservation District

Fun fact:  loves discovering new macroinvertebrates throughout Washington County!


Vicky Michaels

IC representative

- Executive Director - Independence Conservancy

- Former Manager - Beaver County Conservation District

- Fun fact:  thought AMD pollution in Raccoon Creek was hopeless until she helped clean it up.


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